We have our FIC memetic abilities.Someone eventually calls the police to break this street fight up.
A fight.@Sarcobite In what context?
@Vyor insults the cop's manliness and tells him to do his joooob beeetter.
This is unfair as sensible, reasonable, and genuine individuals do not obtain mematic abilites.We have our FIC memetic abilities.
You have to engage the libereals on the other side though.Leave. I would fuck off to anywhere else.
She doesn't fight totes by the books either. In fact she dislikes fighting soooo much that she'd do anything to avoid a long drawn out fight. It's their fault for like coming onto her with aggression. Anyways, good on you for fighting good I guess? I don't really like fistfights, words can do a lot more than punching her lights out. So as fun as this is I feel like if she ran away before the cops or Eldritch Horrors got there everyone would be better off.Um, I don't fight clean. Just ask my little brother about our little spats back when we were kids. Biting, kicking, punching, all until either one calls uncle or someone starts bleeding. That and I've been told that I throw a rather decent punch.
Vhat? Do I not even merit a mention!?
*hmphs in indignation*
You mean the book of Enoch and the Babylonian scriptures, right? Not the bible... Lilith is mentioned like once in the bible and she was not described as a demonic lovecraftian horror...Lilith from the Bible.
You mean the book of Enoch and the Babylonian scriptures, right? Not the bible... Lilith is mentioned like once in the bible and she was not described as a demonic lovecraftian horror...
It happens. We may only be text on a screen here but we're only hooman...How did I miss that error of their's?