Oh, I'm sorry. I guess that's what I mean? I've never read them. What was she in the Bible? Anyway, sorry again, I only remember reading that Lilith was someone's wife and then she like exiled herself or something? I'm not sure where I got the idea she like... turned into a demon.You mean the book of Enoch and the Babylonian scriptures, right? Not the bible... Lilith is mentioned like once in the bible and she was not described as a demonic lovecraftian horror...
Oh, I'm sorry. I guess that's what I mean? I've never read them. What was she in the Bible? Anyway, sorry again, I only remember reading that Lilith was someone's wife and then she like exiled herself or something? I'm not sure where I got the idea she like... turned into a demon.
That's terrible. Lilith wanna have her own life and she gets turned into a v-vampire? Goodness.Lillith was more prominent in the Jewish faith (could be wrong, need to brush up on my religion and mythology.)
She was allegedly the first wife of Adam, but wanted to be an equal and/or dominant to him but was cast out by God/Angel sent by him after refusing to submit. (Different times back then.)
So Adam got Eve instead and we know how that story goes.
Later she is described as being a winged vampiric monster with scales and bearing a serpent's like a lamia with a curse of being unable to have sons, so she is said to kidnap young boys/babies and either drink their blood or raise them as her own.
That's terrible. Lilith wanna have her own life and she gets turned into a v-vampire? Goodness.
I dunno she sounds like she just ran with the wrong crowd and may have brain sicknesses from being chatted at and worse by demons all day and night long. Women are equals to men tho. They should be given equal rights and that they didn't have them back then was a travesty.Well that's just the most prominent one I can recall, I believe there is another where she willingly consorted (Pay attention to the the first part of that word.) with demons before that, I think someone described to me of one she threatened to Kill (Possibly eat/Ex-Sanguinate) Adam if he didn't submit/make her an equal. (Because of said Demons telling her to do that.)
Different versions for each religion I suppose.
I dunno she sounds like she just ran with the wrong crowd and may have brain sicknesses from being chatted at and worse by demons all day and night long. Women are equals to men tho. They should be given equal rights and that they didn't have them back then was a travesty.
I dunno. Girls are still treated as less in a variety of ways, like, they're expected to pretty much become mothers as soon as possible (still), marry one person only and stay with them forever or else we're sluts (anyone ever heard of poly ppls?), and actually... aggressed on, assaulted and harassed and stalked. Girls still don't have it good so I'd say we only get the illusion of freedom. I'm fine with pretty illusions they're nice to get hypnotized by ah ha. ^_^Now we have much more freedom, or at least a damn good illusion of one.
I dunno. Girls are still treated as less in a variety of ways, like, they're expected to pretty much become mothers as soon as possible (still), marry one person only and stay with them forever or else we're sluts (anyone ever heard of poly ppls?), and actually... aggressed on, assaulted and harassed and stalked. Girls still don't have it good so I'd say we only get the illusion of freedom. I'm fine with pretty illusions they're nice to get hypnotized by ah ha. ^_^
Anybody who knows me well would say that is obviously going to be me.Who shall awaken Cthulhu?
The most known version of Lilith is one that actually communed with fallen angels (not demons, mind you. Back then demons did not exist yet) who tried to convince her that she had to become greater than Adam.That's terrible. Lilith wanna have her own life and she gets turned into a v-vampire? Goodness.
Anybody who knows me well would say that is obviously going to be me.
The most known version of Lilith is one that actually communed with fallen angels (not demons, mind you. Back then demons did not exist yet) who tried to convince her that she had to become greater than Adam.
The idea that Lilith was not equal to Adam is wrong, she was made from earth and soil just like Adam was and had the same free will Adam did. But in communing woth the fallen angels she strived to be beyond him and take his place, while alledgedly falling in love (lust?) With the fallen angels.
Then god punished her for her actions and instead made Eve, and made Eve out of Adam's rib to make sure Eve was a part of Adam.
Though that is from my memory.
Sort off. The punishment was more so for engaging in sexual acts with angels (notably she fell in love with the archangel Samael).Did I imply that? If I did, my bad, just remembering off the top of my head from how it was written and told to me.
Stahp da derail!
We all have our standard equipment.*Flips table which had my computer with a reasoned and polite apology.*
Alright Fine! I won't nerd out on Myths/religions!
Now is there a second battleground with rules and weapons for all 6 of you we can debate over or is it still including the police and satanic/lovecraftian rituals?