A funny? Unforeseen? consequense of tighter/stricter pet laws and the resulting explosion of animal welfare groups acting more or less like pet police, is that the numbers of *community cats* or *semi-ferals* skyrocketed.
I know that it is not solely their fault but the sudden added compalsory cost of having a pet -microchips/compalsory vet visits/ etc etc etc* combined with a bunch of a-holes showing up at your door, at times outright stealing your pet and the constant harrasment of calling the police on you, since animal related insidents became incidents where the police MUST respond to, having them posting vids of your mug in social media despite that being illegal, made it too much of a hassle for many to own pets and many started simply feeding strays.
Hell the local animal welfare group had appointed a mildly to heavily impaired woman as their president with the sole purpose of setting her loose on their targets, making frivolous lawsuits by the dozen and generally acting as a sponge and lightning rod for the *heroes* *rescuing* pets.
Things came to a head when they messed with the wrong target -rich old dude they had the police drag to the station after their point woman filed the usual police report, they stole his pet and put his face all over social media- that in response sued the pants out of every single one of the *heroes*, their pointwoman, it blew up on the local and then the national media...
Anyway in my country at least it is much much easier to have a couple of semi-ferals as companions than even contemplate to own a pet and many do so despite the constant media campaigns why it is a bad idea.