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President Trump throws US Intelligence Community under Bus during Putin Summit; Dems consider Trump and GOP Treasonous

Aaron Fox

SB's Minor Junker Descendant and Hunter of Nazis
Oh me oh my, President Trump is treasonous and likely the entire GOP as many sane people predicted. Trump tries to back peddle but fails epicly. What a shocker... :rolleyes:

Hell, it's the definition of the US's convoluted (in the eyes of most nations) definition of treason:
US Constitution said:
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
Bolded mine... well technically mostly someone who dug it up in SB but still. Given that Trump all-but-literally-said it on live television...
(Global News video link because site doesn't support Global News embeds):
Actual Video of Dem-Senate outright calling Trump out on treasonous action:

Trump's 'rebuttal':

At this rate, given that the GOP has stopped any and all electoral security measures to prevent GRU interference, it might end up having the US military, IC, and DoJ implementing some old plan based on this very scenario named Hot Under Collar Cyclone or something similar... which pretty much goes 'US military, IC, and DoJ pull an Ataturk'.
Trump is a flapdoodle shit-for-brains toddler who shits his pants every time he's faced with real adversity and an authoritarian cockwomble and Putin is a sleaze-bag with a Napoleon complex - but he's not Hitler, and Trump isn't a 'traitor'. I want to hit him in the face every time he nets the corporatist global elite psycho-maniacs and inbred creatures that have been fucking over our species for centuries because "they're CAREER politicians," or "they know how its DONE." a supporter like this.
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Trump isn't a 'traitor'.
Actually, by the legal definition under US law, he could very well be if it's true that he collaborated with Russia to facilitate cyberattacks and is sabotaging efforts to mount a defense against them, he is aiding and abetting an enemy.
Actually, by the legal definition under US law, he could very well be if it's true that he collaborated with Russia to facilitate cyberattacks and is sabotaging efforts to mount a defense against them, he is aiding and abetting an enemy.
Pretty much, and we're talking 'hung from a streetlamp' treason not 'firing squad' treason.
Those are the same thing, just with different people in charge of the government.
No, one is considered honorable and the other is the equivalent of spitting on the idiot while taking a piss on his/her grave.
Trump is a mongoloid shit-for-brains toddler who shits his pants every time he's faced with real adversity and an authoritarian cockwomble and Putin is a sleaze-bag with a Napoleon complex - but he's not Hitler, and Trump isn't a 'traitor'. I want to hit him in the face every time he nets the corporatist global elite psycho-maniacs and inbred creatures that have been fucking over our species for centuries because "they're CAREER politicians," or "they know how its DONE." a supporter like this.
Don't use the word . Ever. Quite a few people find it offensive.
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How about we just impeach/imprison the fucker or vote him out instead of frothing out the mouth histrionics about hanging him or what have you?
How about we just impeach/imprison the fucker or vote him out instead of frothing out the mouth histrionics about hanging him or what have you?
Because the system is broke, the establishment Democrats can't be brought to take any serious action like blocking flatly voting no on all his appointees in protest and can only be brought to meaningfully criticize the man after he's already begun throwing children in concentration camps and actively said he trusts the head of state of a foreign adversary over our own intelligence community and actively undermine efforts at grassroots demonstrations by the base, while Republicans respond to the same news and a Russian national arrested for being caught admitting to establishing backchannels between the Kremlin and the Republican Party through the NRA and funneling money to Republican efforts by passing legislation so the NRA doesn't have to disclose it's donors.
Because the system is broke, the establishment Democrats can't be brought to take any serious action like blocking flatly voting no on all his appointees in protest and can only be brought to meaningfully criticize the man after he's already begun throwing children in concentration camps and actively said he trusts the head of state of a foreign adversary over our own intelligence community and actively undermine efforts at grassroots demonstrations by the base, while Republicans respond to the same news and a Russian national arrested for being caught admitting to establishing backchannels between the Kremlin and the Republican Party through the NRA and funneling money to Republican efforts by passing legislation so the NRA doesn't have to disclose it's donors.

I mean, democrats either are useless at stopping republicans, or they agree on something horrendous, so it's not like there's a lot of hope.

Because the system is broke, the establishment Democrats can't be brought to take any serious action like blocking flatly voting no on all his appointees in protest and can only be brought to meaningfully criticize the man after he's already begun throwing children in concentration camps and actively said he trusts the head of state of a foreign adversary over our own intelligence community and actively undermine efforts at grassroots demonstrations by the base, while Republicans respond to the same news and a Russian national arrested for being caught admitting to establishing backchannels between the Kremlin and the Republican Party through the NRA and funneling money to Republican efforts by passing legislation so the NRA doesn't have to disclose it's donors.
Senseless conspiracy theories like this get us nowhere. If I were to consign myself to this narrative, I'd also have to accept the possibility that Hillary Clinton has the same disease that Adolf Hitler had and convulses into fits of murder-fueled rage and bites holes in the carpet, and that she's an operative for George Soros with her own Russian connections and rigged the primaries against Bernie Sanders and had just as much to do with Trump winning as Trump himself and the Russian Federation... or else I'd feel like a hypocritical partisan extremist and that is just how my brain works with these sorts of things. Now, exactly what have we figured out here? Absolutely nothing, we can keep going around and around and around with our own personal faction-based talking points via echo-chambers like this, or coordinate to remove him from office. Nothing else should matter. You can keep repeating what has been repeated ad-nauseum by many on the left and around the radical center, and get nowhere other than further obfuscating with imperialist/authoritarian propaganda disguised as 'conspiracy theories' from either side (whether it be pro-Trump or pro-Hillary, Conservative or Democrat), or you could start providing some solutions to the problems you are - at this juncture - merely complaining and whining about.

EDIT: Oh, and I'm fairly sure its highly illegal to threaten violence against government officials, so, congrats! You're on a watch list now! REAL smart!
Senseless conspiracy theories like this get us nowhere. If I were to consign myself to this narrative, I'd also have to accept the possibility that Hillary Clinton has the same disease that Adolf Hitler had and convulses into fits of murder-fueled rage and bites holes in the carpet, and that she's an operative for George Soros with her own Russian connections and rigged the primaries against Bernie Sanders and had just as much to do with Trump winning as Trump himself and the Russian Federation... or else I'd feel like a hypocritical partisan extremist and that is just how my brain works with these sorts of things. Now, exactly what have we figured out here? Absolutely nothing, we can keep going around and around and around with our own personal faction-based talking points via echo-chambers like this, or coordinate to remove him from office. Nothing else should matter. You can keep repeating what has been repeated ad-nauseum by many on the left and around the radical center, and get nowhere other than further obfuscating with imperialist/authoritarian propaganda disguised as 'conspiracy theories' from either side (whether it be pro-Trump or pro-Hillary, Conservative or Democrat), or you could start providing some solutions to the problems you are - at this juncture - merely complaining and whining about.
We have dozens of indictments, we have dozens of cases awaiting trial, we have confessions, and we have convictions. You're a gaslighting troll.
1) There is nothing inherently wrong with the State of Israel, it is their right-wing that is the problem.
2) Russia, Iran and China are the ones who are hostile authoritarian regimes (while the U.S. is fairly hostile and authoritarian in general, those other three countries are NOT 'innocent little victims of US imperialism'.
3) Neoconservatism, not Neoliberalism.
The rest checks out though.
We have dozens of indictments, we have dozens of cases awaiting trial, we have confessions, and we have convictions. You're a gaslighting troll.
And we come back around to my original point, that this post of yours supports whether you like it or not: that we should indict Trump, bring him to trial, and convict him if you believe that is what needs to be done.

Not KILL him.

Are we going to do this again, or are you willing to debate properly instead of with ad-hominem, straw man and other logical fallacies?
1) There is nothing inherently wrong with the State of Israel, it is their right-wing that is the problem.
Yes, there is, any state founded on an ethnonationalist basis like Zionism must do so at the expense of other ethnicities.
3) Neoconservatism, not Neoliberalism.
Neoconservatism and Neoliberalism are not mutually exclusive belief sets.
And we come back around to my original point, that this post of yours supports whether you like it or not: that we should indict Trump, bring him to trial, and convict him if you believe that is what needs to be done.

Not KILL him.
It does not, it shows that no matter how guilty he is the Dems will remain spineless and the Republicans complicit. I'm arguing we should do both, but one of those won't work because the system is broke.
Are we going to do this again, or are you willing to debate properly instead of with ad-hominem, straw man and other logical fallacies?
You don't even know what the fuck those mean. Also Fallacy Fallacy.
Yes, there is, any state founded on an ethnonationalist basis like Zionism must do so at the expense of other ethnicities.

What do you propose we do then? More kitty-baby-whining recalcitrant bullshittery.

Neoconservatism and Neoliberalism are not mutually exclusive belief sets.
Where did I say they were? More straw-manning, I see. Awesome.
It does not, it shows that no matter how guilty he is the Dems will remain spineless and the Republicans complicit.
Gee, I didn't know you could predict the future! What an awesome non-existent ability you have!
I'm arguing we should do both,

And your argument would be wrong.

but one of those won't work because the system is broke.

Fuck everything and revolution! Right? No, wrong again.

You don't even know what the fuck those mean. Also Fallacy Fallacy.
What do you propose we do then? More kitty-baby-whining recalcitrant bullshittery.

Where did I say they were? More straw-manning, I see. Awesome.
The implication of your post is that one is neoconservative and the other neoliberal, but they're both. Again you don't even know what a strawman is.
1) There is nothing inherently wrong with the State of Israel, it is their right-wing that is the problem.
2) Russia, Iran and China are the ones who are hostile authoritarian regimes (while the U.S. is fairly hostile and authoritarian in general, those other three countries are NOT 'innocent little victims of US imperialism'.
3) Neoconservatism, not Neoliberalism.
The rest checks out though.
I'd add I don't think banking is necessarily bad in itself in a regulated mixed economy, obviously we have issues with financial crisis like when we had an unregulated shadow banking system as in the GFC, but financial intermediaries are fairly useful to the economy.
Gee, I didn't know you could predict the future! What an awesome non-existent ability you have!
It's called pattern recognition, I suggest you actually try it.
And your argument would be wrong.
Based on your say so, but then you can't even understand basic pattern recognition.
Fuck everything and revolution! Right? No, wrong again.
That's not even an argument.
Your claiming of a fallacy is sufficient to rebut an argument is a fallacy itself, you have to demonstrate how the argument is fallacious in order to rebut it, not just say it is.
The implication of your post is that one is neoconservative and the other neoliberal

Nope, I was correcting Realmfighter's and the artist's apparent confusion of one with the other, which is to be expected. Hillary was more of a neocon than anything else, due to her close association with George W. Bush. A neoliberal would be a far more blatant authoritarian/fiat-totalitarian such as Putin, Xi or Erdogan.

Try again.
It's called pattern recognition, I suggest you actually try it.
How can the Democrats/opposition be simultaneously spineless and providing results in the investigation of Trump's ties to Russia?
That's not pattern 'recognition', that's a symptom of bipolar disorder.
Based on your say so, but then you can't even understand basic pattern recognition.
Based on your say so, but then again you can't even untangle your own abhorrent incoherent mess of hyper-partisan ranting long enough to provide anything more than a feebly and untenable crying and whining which you assert as a rebuttal:

That's not even an argument.

I don't need an argument to discredit your wailing for hanging Trump from a lamp post or wanting death on him. You are a horrible person and should be ashamed of yourself. No better than the Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists who support the man.

Your claiming of a fallacy is sufficient to rebut an argument is a fallacy itself, you have to demonstrate how the argument is fallacious in order to rebut it, not just say it is.

I don't have to when you do so perfectly well all on your own.
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